Shinichi Konno Bicycle Design office

1965 年よりケルビム号で培った「デザイン」「フィッティング」「設計理念」。私たちが継承してきたモノを輪界に還元して行きます。世界的に類のない自転車設計事務所設立は我々のチャレンジでもあります。
Announcement for opening “Shinichi Konno Bicycle Design office
CHERUBIM is now opening a bicycle design office for the purpose to share our technologies we developed since 1965 with the bicycle industries. This is a totally new and unique challenge we would like to achieve. With Shinichi Konno, the master builder of CHERUBIM, and newly invited Italian designer, we will add an authentic racing mind and the essence of Italian design.
We not only provide the fitting and geometry for professional bicycle riders, but also take an order of manufacture prototypes, custom frame materials, molds, and more to meet a variety of bicycle design requests.
The new office is located in Aoyama, Tokyo, in a vintage building from the 1970s that inherited the intentions of Le Corbusier, a master of modernist architecture.
In this perfect oasis in the city, we declare the opening of this place in the hope that it will become an intersection for bicycle culture around the world.

Shinichi Konno
“CHERUBIM” Master builder
JKA 競輪登録番号・第 166 号。
“CHERUBIM” Master builder. JKA Approved #166
Won the awards in Japan, UK, USA, and many in the world.
Advisor for several mass bicycle companies.
Counsel for Tokyo Cycle Design College.

Matteo Visentini
プロロードレーサー、ロベルト・ヴィセンティーニ(1986 ジロ・デ・イタリア総合優勝)を父に持つ輪界のサラブレッド。
Master’s Degree in Architectural Design in Politecnico di Milano.
Product Manager and Graphic Designer at Passoni Titanio.
Son of Roberto Visentini, the champion of 1986 Giro d’Italia.
Inspired by Shinichi’s philosophy, and now joining CHERUBIM designing team.
Counsel for Tokyo Cycle Design College.

Yusuke Miyata
東京工芸大学大学院芸術学研究科修了。メディア業界勤務、自転車ジャーナリストを経て 2013 年ケルビム競輪プロジェクトに参加。
Degree in Graduate School of Arts, Tokyo Polytechnic University.
A graphic designer and bicycle journalist in several media industries.
Joining CHERUBIM team since 2013, and now a master designer of Keirin Frames
〒150-0002 東京都渋谷区渋谷 1-3-18 ビラ・モデルナ